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UKIP Leader visits North East


Picture shows left to right  -  Bishop Auckland Branch Chairman Rob Berry  -  Gerard Batten  -  Bishop Auckland Branch Secretary Alan Breeze


The meeting arranged by Richard Elvin and Rhys Burriss with our leader Gerard Batten at the Royal County Suite in Newcastle on 5th October was a huge success with more than a hundred people packing out the huge room.

Gerard gave everyone a clear view of where UKIP had come from in particular giving details around the near collapse of the party following the Henry Bolton leadership debacle and explained how with the support of members throughout the country raising £300,000 had rescued the party from the brink of extinction. He explained that whilst things were blossoming there was still a huge amount of work to be done restructuring parts and regions of the country where suupport had previously collapsed.

Earlier that evening Gerard was interviewed on TV and he explained to the nation that what the Main Stream Media were labelling "Populist" was in reality policies that were popular with the ordinary working class patriot in the country as opposed to the ruling elite and as such he embraced "Populism". Towards this end he explained that he has been in discussions with Paul Joseph Watson and other Social Media warriors who had subsequently joined the party and would provide an effective communication link with the younger generation.

One member of the audience brought up the hot topic of Tommy Robinson allowing Gerard to explain the difficulties surrounding his appointment and suggesting that the final decision would likely be made as a "one off" decision by members in the light of the exraordinary circumstances. Whilst there were a few in the room expressing reservations about the wisdom of embracing Tommy Robinson, our leader simply asked that people equip themselves with full knowledge of his circumstances beyond observing Main Stream Media headlines before coming to a conclusion and recommended they aquaint themselves with his book "Enemy of The State" as a good starting point. Whilst Tommy was acknowledged to being a little reckless in his approach at times it was always from the perspective of being on the side of right and always in the face of a political elite and their MSM looking to subdue and subvert his influence in order to hide their corrupt undertakings.

A straw poll of Tommy Robinson's acceptance showed resounding support at the packed meeting with few dissenters although several abstentions.

Gerard also spent time touching on key parts of the recently published manifesto and encouraged everyone to obtain their own copies online and familiarise themselves with the ever developing content.

Finaly Gerard spent an hour or more fielding a wide variety of questions from the audience leading to a late conclusion of the meeting and even then he stayed on at the bar till the early hours talking to members about their hopes and concerns.

Overall an excellent night with our gratitude extended to the organisers.